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The Basics of Traffic Offenses in New York


Traffic offenses may seem insignificant but that is not necessarily the case. Because of the point system in New York concerning traffic offenses, paying a fine and accepting the charges may not be the only cost. In addition to paying the fine, a traffic citation can be costly down the road. Traffic violations can also lead to driver’s license suspension or revocation so they should never be taken lightly.

Trained guidance can help individuals facing traffic offenses understand why their license has been suspended or revoked and can also help them understand the points system and the impact it may have on their driving record and insurance rates. Traffic offenses can result in a suspended license, suspended registration, problems with no insurance, allegations of reckless driving and other moving violations.

It is helpful to understand the points system. Points for speeding are assigned based on the speed the individual is accused of travelling at. In addition, 3 points are assigned for drivers who leave the scene of an accident; for violations that involve traffic signals or stop or yield signs; for improper passing; for an unsafe lane change; for driving to the left of the center line; or driving the wrong direction, among some others. For tailgating, 4 points is assigned and 5 points are assigned for passing a school bus, reckless driving or using a cell phone or texting. Receiving greater than 11 points in an 18-month period can result in license suspension.

Traffic offenses can result in fines and increased insurance rates, among other costs. Because traffic offenses can be so costly, it can be worth it to understand how the charges may be challenged to reduce them or eliminate them altogether based on the circumstances.
